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Top 100 Songs Of All Time Part 1

Writer's picture: Ben WaterworthBen Waterworth

Updated: Nov 7, 2021

Back at the end of 2017 a friend of mine had put together a list of his 100 greatest songs of all time. It was perfect timing too being New Years Eve and it got me thinking: what to me are the greatest 100 songs of all time?

So after a long, careful thought process I sat down and created a list. That list was over 1000 songs long, so I quickly had to edit that list. Again. And again. And again. Until finally, I had my top 100. It was then a case of having that top 100 placed in an order and boom. A list was born.

Was there a criteria? An algorithm? A methodology? No, no and no. The list is purely made up of personal preference, and a list of 100 songs that to me exist in their own right as incredible pieces of music. Songs that you play and never want to skip on your iPod, phone or Spotify. Songs that to me, are simply the best.

So without further ado I present to you the greatest 100 songs of all time…at least according to me.

100. Franz Ferdinand: ‘Michael’ (2004)


Franz Ferdinand is a band that was some great songs, but Michael is one that stands out the most. The guitar at the beginning hooks you immediately, and the rest of the song just gets you pumped up and excited. As with most songs on this list there is a personal connection to why it makes the top 100. In the case of this song it was the usage during a Formula 1 montage in 2004 celebrating a stellar year that the legendary Michael Schumacher had. Based purely on that I can’t help but associate this song with the man himself, and it is a perfect fit.

99. Gorillaz: ‘Feel Good Inc’ (2005)


The first time I ever heard this song was during a commercial for the iPod and from there I just had to find out what it was. Gorillaz is a band that I may not have followed as closely as some, but back when they first released Clint Eastwood I definitely found myself intrigued by their music. This is a song I can put on and just get taken back to the mid 2000s through a particularly interesting time in my life, and also feel the need to perhaps get an iPod out and dance like a silhouette should.

98. Toni Braxton feat. Il Divo: ‘The Time Of Our Lives’ (2006)


Sport is such an important part of my life that when you mix music with it I instantly get attracted to a song even more. Case in point the usage of songs during massive sporting events such as the World Cup. 2006 was a great year for Australian football fans as it was the first time in 32 years that we had qualified for the World Cup. Added to that my love and fandom of Germany, it was a great World Cup to witness. And to make it even more spectacular, the official song was a great piece of music. I’m not really a fan of either Il Divo or Toni Braxton, but mixing the two of them together produces a goosebump inducing piece of music that I have never gotten sick of.

97. Ricky Martin: “The Cup of Life” (1998)


Two in a row for official World Cup songs, this song was actually the very first CD single I purchased as an 11 year old. It was also the very first World Cup I watched, and I was instantly hooked. I have to say Ricky Martin was a big part in me starting to ‘discover’ music as a child, as from this song onwards I loved everything he released and he easily was the first artist I followed closely enough to want to buy more music. This song is just fun. It makes you get up and dance straight away and is by far the greatest World Cup song ever produced. Just try listening to it and not singing and dancing along. It’s harder than you think.

96. Willie Nelson: “The Scientist” (2012)


There’s actually a few covers on this list which in no way takes away from the original songs. I personally love Coldplay’s version of this song, but there is something about Willie Nelson’s ability to make the song even more emotional that puts it on this list. This was another song that I first discovered during a sporting montage, as Channel 9 in Australia used it as a closing song to their coverage of the 2012 Olympics. I can’t help but listen to this song and get a bit teary, as it really does hit you in the feels when listening to the lyrics and through Nelson’s voice. A great cover of a great song.

95. Savage Garden: “Chained To You” (1999)


Growing up as a kid in the 90s in Australia, it was hard not to not like Savage Garden. It’s so sad that they only produced two albums, and if I was to do a top 100 albums list, then their debut album would probably make the top 10. Having said that, I’m glad at least one song has made the top 100, and Chained To You is always the one song by them that gets me up, pumped and singing along the most. Yes it was from Affirmation which was nowhere near as good as their first album, but the song still rocks. Mentioning Madonna in a song too is enough to make me like it better.

94. Ruslana: “Wild Dances” (2004)


Let’s just put this out there right now. I love Eurovision. And when I put together this list and initially had over 1000 songs on my first draft, there were a heap of Eurovision songs that made it. However this is the top 100, and only two Eurovision songs made the cut, both of which are winners. I immediately fell in love with Ruslana and Wild Dances when I saw it win as a 17 year old in 2004, but what made it even better was it being used in Grand Theft Auto IV in 2008 and hearing Ruslana as a radio host on the game. It sounds so exotic, makes you want to dance and just screams Eurovision so loudly. One of the best Eurovision songs of all time.

93. Robbie Williams: “Let Me Entertain You” (1997)


It’s always baffled me that Robbie Williams hasn’t achieved more success in places like the United States and Canada. His energy and flamboyance through his music is rarely replicated in the modern musical landscape. Let Me Entertain You is the ultimate pump-up anthem on so many levels. It can be used for sport, for work, for theatre and everything else in between. It is also a song that is maybe the best opening song to use when it comes to a live performance. Seeing Williams perform this song during a concert is a dream of mine I hope to fulfil one day, but in the meantime there are plenty of examples online showing just how amazing this song is at a concert. Somebody in North America please see how amazing this man is?

92. Queen: “Flash” (1980)


Queen was the band I grew up on the most through my parents so it’s safe to say there will be a few songs by them on this list. Flash is an obscure piece of art, one that always just perks my ears up a little bit and makes me sing along badly to every part of it. I have never seen Flash Gordon and nor will I probably ever. However this song is just so damn epic that perhaps I need to see it and just see if it lives up to the awesomeness that the song brings. If only modern superhero movies could have such epic title tracks.

91. Madonna: “American Life” (2003)


My love for Madonna shows no boundaries. Case in point having the often derided American Life on this list. Not only was the song generally hated, the album itself was also pretty much despised. But I for one love both, and it was the very first time I really saw myself get excited over a new Madonna album as it was around the time I discovered just how amazing she is. Yes she can’t rap. But I applaud the woman for at least trying. Sure, the subject matter of her rap is also fairly laughable, but the song itself works in such a way that you want to listen to every lyric and find out more. There is a message in what she is saying that still stands up today. And when you through the banned film clip in there, it’s crazy to think just how it can work on so many levels. It also does make me want to ride a mini cooper and feel super-duper, but…I won’t admit that out loud…

90. DJ Fresh: “Louder” (2011)


I make really bad and cheesy movies based on my travels, and one of the best bits I find when it comes to putting these together is creating a soundtrack. I love being able to find songs that fit in with scenes, and also create opening and closing scenes that try to work as best as they can with the film. One such song is Louder by DJ Fresh. I used it in the opening of The Brink Unleashed 3: From QL to KL and somehow it just gets me pumped up to watch it. The opening moments sell this song, and it never calms down once it starts. My love for dance music will be displayed a lot on this list, and while it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, I personally find it incredible. Case in point this song.

89. Fleetwood Mac: “The Chain” (1977)


Fans of Formula 1 automatically know why this song is on the list. The epic guitar ending of this track was used for decades on the BBC’s coverage of Formula in the UK, and although that never made it down to Australia, I have seen enough of the footage from the old races to see just how epic it was when used. Added to this the usage of this song in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, it is a song that connects so many levels of amazingness that I can’t help but include it on this list. While some songs hook me in straight away and never let up, this is one that definitely is a slow build with a huge pay off. Now I just want to watch Formula 1….

88. Jason Paige: “Pokémon Theme” (1999)


The one song on this list that I’m sure will have everybody discredit my musical tastes. But I actually don’t care and will own this entry. Everybody has shows from their childhood that stick with them, and everybody has music from their childhood that also sticks with them. When you combine the two, it adds an even more powerful element and that’s why I have this on my list. One of the first albums I ever owned was the Pokemon soundtrack and poor old 13 year old Ben listened to that daily at volume levels that surely annoyed the heck out of my parents. And this title track just got me so excited, so pumped and so ready for so many things that it still sticks to me today. Even as a song outside of being a Pokemon fan, it is epic. The opening lines of “I want to be the very best, like no one ever was” can be used as inspiration for many things. And any child who watched the show religiously will attest to just how great this song is. My inner 12 year old is screaming in delight that I still laud this song 20 years later, and I proudly own that.

87. Hot Chip: “Flutes” (2012)


Some songs are epic because they are short. Others are epic because they are long. In the case of Flutes it’s the latter. It takes a while for this song to really kick into gear, but when it does it just captivates me. Like many songs on this list, it is particularly important to me as it helped me through some challenging times in my life. The lyrics stick to me on a personal level which even though I have moved on from said part in my life, I can still resonate to this day. And just the way the lyrics are sung too gives me hope that my terribly high pitched vocal ability could be used for good someday. You never know…

86. Kids Of 88: “Feed The Birds” (2010)


Given I live in New Zealand currently I felt it was pretty important to include at least one Kiwi artist on this list. But more than that, Kids of 88 were a band that I discovered accidently back in 2010 and am sad that they never really continued far beyond that. Feed The Birds is a song that doesn’t necessarily speak to me on a personal level, but the beat of the song and tune in general gets me hooked enough that it can make it as deep as it does on this list. I’m still trying to work out though what the song is about, as well as if the birds ever got fed.

85. Guy Sebastian feat. Lupe Fiasco: “Battle Scars” (2012)


Sometimes a song comes along that is so personal to you that you feel as though it was written about you. Battle Scars is one of those songs. I listened to this religiously during a certain challenging time in my life, and every single time I could swear both Guy Sebastian and Lupe Fiasco were singing to me. It’s incredibly the power of music, especially when the lyrics of a song can kick you deep in the gut and bring a tear to your eye every single time. It also then makes you wish you were able to sing just like the people in the song so that your feelings could be expressed loudly without sounding like a cat being drowned. A great song with great lyrics.

84. Frou Frou: “Let Go” (2002)


Another great thing about music is the ability to connect a song to a particular person. This song is one of those, and the connection it has to me and a very good friend of mine really stands the test of time. It is also a fairly emotional song I feel without even necessarily being deliberately emotional, and that’s a type of song I can respect. Frou Frou is a band that sadly haven’t been heard of in a while, but frontwoman Imogen Heap has an incredible voice and some of her latter work has made its way into other songs that went on to be quite big. However if you know the movie Garden State, then you will know this song. And it is a song that makes me know myself from a particular time in my life.

83. Fink: “Pilgrim” (2014)


The power of a sporting montage to me is clearly more powerful than it is for most. Another song used in a closing montage for an Olympics (Rio 2016), Pilgrim resonates even further based on the previously mentioned ‘challenging time in my life’ and how well it connected with me during that period. A song that has the ability to make me cry through sporting images as well as lyrics when listened to separately is a great song in my eyes, and Fink’s vocals are haunting and draw you straight in. A great song that may not be well known that I implore everyone reading this to go and listen to.

82. Brian Tyler: “F1 Theme Song” (2018)


The most recent song on this list is also the first of a couple of songs featuring no lyrics at all. When I first heard that Formula 1 was introducing a theme I was very sceptical. It could’ve easily been cheesy and bad and just make you not want to hear it ever again. But Brian Tyler came and delivered big time with this epic track. It is used perfectly during the introduction of each grand prix, and hearing the epic theme when mixed with classic moments from the sport is a sight to behold. I really hope this song sticks around for a long time and becomes as iconic to F1 fans as The Chain has, as it is definitely worthy of that.

81. Lady Gaga: “Applause” (2013)


I love Lady Gaga and it’s sad that I can manage to put one song by her on this list. However Applause is one epic track and easily one of her most underrated. Sure she has some more pop friendly songs out there, but the mixture of a real dance feel alongside her great vocals works so damn well. It’s also a great pump up song (notice a trend there) which really can connect on so many levels when used right. A great song from a great singer.

80. Kylie Minogue: “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head” (2001)


My love of Kylie Minogue is somewhat reflected on this list with a couple of songs, but it’s hard to go past the song that really shot her back into the mainstream in 2001. The opening beats of this song are just so familiar that it instantly makes you want to turn it up, and you definitely can’t complain about the film clip either which is a piece of art itself. It baffles me to think that it took close to 15 years for Kylie to have her own song dominate the world as much as this track did, and it’s great to see her finally receive the plaudits she deserved in the early 2000s. Now just try and get this song out of your head…

79. Limp Bizkit: “Take A Look Around” (2000)


The only reason this song makes the list is due to its epic use of the Mission: Impossible theme. I actually always thought this song was simply called Mission: Impossible 2 but alas, I was wrong. Limp Bizkit is one of those anomalies from the early 2000s that most people struggle to understand why they were a thing, but this song is perhaps an example of how epic they could be on their day. The lyrics aren’t amazing, however there are some moments that hook you in. And once again it is a great pump up track which works alright in my book. It’s just a shame that the movie it was from was so rubbish.

78. Michael Crawford: “The Music of the Night” (1986)


I’m not one for musicals, in fact I would go as far as saying I just don’t like them. However as much as Queen were a part of my childhood, so was The Phantom of the Opera. My mother used to play the soundtrack non-stop, and this song always stood out to me as incredible. I was lucky enough to see Phantom on Broadway, and when this song was performed I couldn’t help but tear up. Michael Crawford has an incredible voice, and this is easily the greatest performance of this song ever recorded. Another song that makes me wish I could sing better than I can.

77. Michael Jackson: “Who Is It” (1991)


Just as I have spoken my love for Madonna and Kylie Minogue, my love for Michael Jackson perhaps stands the test of time the most and with that will be reflected the most throughout this list. Who Is It is one of those songs that you often forget is a song, however with Dangerous being easily the best album he ever recorded, Who Is It is a stand out that people need to appreciate more. The music is haunting, his vocals on this track just sound incredible, and the lyrics confirm how complete a song this is. I could’ve filled this whole list with just Michael Jackson songs, but I’m glad I have had the ability to showcase one that perhaps doesn’t get the credit it deserves.

76. New Order: “Blue Monday” (1983)


As a fan of dance music I have to appreciate how far the genre has come. Blue Monday is one of those tracks that if it didn’t exist, then the idea of dance music could be completely different. This song is just so damn epic. Another long song that takes a bit to build up but when it hooks you it never lets go. I for one would’ve loved to have been in a club in the 80s when this song was first released, as I could imagine it would’ve filled the dance floor in an instant. It has also been used in so many different forms of media (Grand Theft Auto, The Wedding Singer as two classic examples) that it just adds to how amazing it is. One of the greatest dance tracks of all time.

75. Scooter: “The Logical Song” (2002)


I can never really pin point the exact moment I fell in love with dance music, however hearing The Logical Song by Scooter for the first time is perhaps as close as I can get. My parents used to listen to Supertramp a fair bit growing up so I was definitely familiar with the song this was based on. However hearing that chipmunk voice sing the chorus, mixed with the epic level of trance that followed was pure eargasm inducing fun to me and I have not looked back since. Scooter is in my top 5 favourite bands and seeing them live ranks amongst my favourite concerts I have ever been to. By far one of their best tracks.

74. Seal: “Kiss From A Rose” (1994)


Early 90s music is perhaps some of the most underrated music around. From the great trance tracks of the era to some of the best movie soundtrack songs that ever existed. One such example is Kiss From A Rose by Seal. An epic track that really shows how great of a singer Seal is. It is shows how amazing the soundtrack for Batman Forever was, and that will be reflected in another song from the album appearing on this list a bit later on. What does having a kiss from a rose actually mean? I still don’t know. But honestly I don’t care, because the song is just so damn good.

73. The Lonely Island: “Jack Sparrow” (2011)


The Lonely Island are a fun band with some incredibly fun songs. Jack Sparrow is one of them, and having Michael Bolton sing the absolute hell out of this song just adds to the overall epicness of this track. How on earth does it all work together? Who on earth knows, but it somehow manages to make me want to watch Pirates of the Caribbean, Forrest Gump, Erin Brokovich and Scarface all at the same time as listening to Michael Bolton’s back catalogue. A song that you didn’t realise how much you needed to listen to until now.

72. “Weird Al” Yankovic: “Trapped In The Drive-Thru” (2006)


I’m not ashamed to say how much I love Weird Al and it will be reflected with a couple of songs on this list. I could’ve easily included some more of his radio friendly parodies, or even some of his epic polka mixes which I will say narrowly missed making the cut. But Trapped In The Drive-Thru is one hell of a fun track which tells a great story in such simple terms. Considering how much R Kelly isn’t exactly in favour right now, I think perhaps we need to start a petition to replace his tracks on the radio with this song. It is long enough that you can split it up and cover a few bases all at once. You’re welcome radio.

71. Zedd & Kesha: “True Colors” (2016)


Zedd is another artist that could’ve had many songs on this list. However I’ve gone with one that strikes a cord with me the most. Kesha clearly has great vocal ability and it is really showcased in this song. There is a level of goosbump inducement in this track which I appreciate, and once again it is a song that connects with me on a personal level, particularly when it first came out at that time in my life. Another fantastic track.

70. Twin Shadow: “Old Love/New Love” (2013)


Maybe the biggest pattern of any on this list is my ability to connect a song to a particular piece of media. Old Love/New Love falls into that category based on the use of the song in Grand Theft Auto V. It is a great song which hooks you in with some basic lyrics before the beat drops, and all of the lyrics used are once again able to connect with me on a deep personal level. While it does this it also manages to get your foot tapping and head bopping as well, which if you ask me is a perfect combination when it comes to a song.

69. The Presets: “My People” (2007)


The longest retail job I ever had was working at Australian CD/DVD chain Sanity. Through my time at the store I was introduced to a variety of new artists, and in particular in 2008 I discovered a myriad of new dance acts. One such act was The Presets, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Their debut album Apocalypso would rank in my top 10 albums of all time, and My People is an easy highlight. The opening beats mixed with the vocals automatically get you hooked, and the rest of the song just makes you want to get up and dance. Still an absolute banger a decade later.

68. Scissor Sisters: “It Can’t Come Quickly Enough” (2004)


Remember the Scissor Sisters? Most people probably only know one song by them, but I would recommend giving their back catalogue a thorough listen to as you won’t be disappointed. The stand out track for me is It Can’t Come Quickly Enough. A haunting ballad that connects with me deeply and just makes me want to float away on a cloud and exist in another bubble somewhere else. A song that can do that is a great song, and this is showcased with this this position on this list.

67. Robert Miles: “Children” (1995)


I was deeply saddened when I heard Robert Miles passed away a few years ago and it made me instantly remember how great of a track Children was. I mentioned previously I was unable to remember the exact moment I fell in love with dance music, but I would go a long way in saying that hearing this song on the radio growing up planted a few seeds. The mixture of piano music with a great beat works so well, and it’s a song that you should listen to if you haven’t heard it in a while.

66. Pnau: “Lover” (2007)


Along with my discovery of The Presets in 2008 I was also introduced to Pnau. Their self-titled album is another I would put up very highly on a list of my favourite albums, and Lover stands out to me as the best track. A song with very few lyrics, it relies heavily on the music and it’s a level that works tenfold. Pnau have had a fair bit of exposure of late with some of their newer music as well as Nick Littlemore’s involvement in Empire of the Sun, but it’s their older work that I feel needs to be appreciated just a tad more.

65. Peter Gabriel: “Sledgehammer” (1986)


A video can often do enough to sell a song and in the case of Sledgehammer you might just have the most iconic and greatest video ever made. Peter Gabriel isn’t exactly an artist who I know a lot about, but I do know that Sledgehammer is one of those songs that is played a heap on the radio and one that I never get sick of. The pan flute sound in the song just hooks me in, and it automatically makes me picture the incredible film clip that set the bar so damn high when it was released. If you haven’t watched it, do yourself a favour and watch it now. You won’t be disappointed.

64. Michael Jackson: “Speed Demon (Nero Remix)” (2012)


We’re back with some more MJ and this time around it’s a remix of a song that takes the spot. Both Thriller and Bad were treated with a ‘25th anniversary edition’ which both brought about some interesting re-workings of some classic tracks. By far the best was this remix of the lesser known Speed Demon. The song was already great, but the modern re-working just works so damn well as a club banger that I wish I was in a club right now dancing away to it. If only a ‘25th anniversary edition’ of Dangerous followed this one, the world would be a much better place.

63. Kanye West: “Flashing Lights” (2007)


Kanye West is an artist I shouldn’t like but really really do. He has produced some amazing tracks over the years and there were several in the running for some top 100 spots. Flashing Lights takes the cake however based on a few reasons. Firstly the opening. What a way to start a song. Secondly the usage in different forms of media. I’m looking mainly at Grand Theft Auto IV and Nip/Tuck. Both are used to perfection and only add to how great this song is. You may diss the man, but don’t diss the music.

62. Garbage: “It’s All Over But The Crying” (2005)


My favourite band of all time is easily Garbage and that will be reflected on this list with a few entries. The most amazing thing perhaps however is that all the entries on this list come from the same album. Bleed Like Me is another album that would slot right into my top 10 favourite albums, and this ballad from the record is another of those “really connects lyrically with me” songs that are popping up quite a bit on this list. The title itself speaks volumes, and Shirley Manson has a way of delivering lyrics into your ears that just feel so much more deeper than perhaps they should. A song that you can try your best not to cry with but ultimately fail.

61. The Foo Fighters: “The Pretender” (2007)


A great rock song that never fails to get you up and jam. I’ve always appreciated the Foo Fighters but never loved them as much as some. However this song is by far their greatest, and really gets you pumped up for whatever you are facing whenever you listen to it. Another great example of a song being used in a great montage too, with the 2007 F1 season highlight package featuring this song prominently at the very end. One to rock out with your socks out.

60. Kylie Minogue: “Get Outta My Way” (2010)


When you hear the opening of this song you may be confused as it was perhaps more prominently used by Alesso in his 2015 track Cool. However the song is ‘cool’ enough when heard in the original form, with Kylie once again showing that age is no barrier in producing an epic pop song. The lyrics scream of someone wanting to start afresh in their life, and at the time it was released I perhaps resonated a little too closely with that message. However it is also enough of a great tune to hook you in that it is easy to see why Alesso wanted to use it in a song of his own.

59. Queen: “The Show Must Go On” (1991)


An epic track with better lyrics to it than I ever gave it credit for. The Show Must Go On can be used perfectly on so many different levels, and I was thrilled to see it used as the credits played during Bohemian Rhapsody. I for one had used it previously as a credits song on one of my Brink Unleashed films and it really does work so well when used in that capacity. But as I mentioned the lyrics are perhaps the best part of this song. So many of them just work on a personal level that it connects so perfectly with the epic music that comes with it. Another song too that I wish I had the ability to sing.

58. Safri Duo: “Played-A-Live (The Bongo Song)” (2000)


This is a song that I feel many forget exists but when they do hear it they will be quickly out of their seats and ready to dance along to. Sure there are no lyrics, but a good dance track doesn’t necessarily need them to be good. I couldn’t tell you the first thing about the band Safri Duo, nor could I tell you what has come of them close to 20 years later after this song was released. All I can tell you though is this song is great and you should probably give yourself a refresher as to just how great it is by listening to it.

57. Robyn & Kleerup: “With Every Heartbeat” (2007)


Another song used so well on a few different forms of media, With Every Heartbeat mixes strong and powerful lyrics with an extremely memorable tune that you won’t soon forget. Grand Theft Auto V fans will probably know it well, as will fans of Blue Is The Warmest Colour. But even without those usages this song stands on its own as a great dance track with an emotional heartbeat ready to take over you.

56. Tenacious D: “Beezleboss (The Final Showdown)” (2006)


I mentioned previously that I am no fan of musicals, however there does come an occasion where a musical is just so awesome that I can’t help but like it. The Tenacious D movie was widely panned, however the fan base for it exists enough that they can appreciate it as well as the epic soundtrack that followed. The final song is just epic, and having Dave Grohl as the Devil just makes it even more awesome. I often forget how great of a singer Jack Black is, and this song is a classic example of just how well he can hold a tune. Listen to this song and then go watch the movie.

55. U2: “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” (1995)


I mentioned before that you’ll see another song from Batman Forever appear on this list and here it is. I’ve always liked U2 as it was a band that my dad used to play a lot. However they aren’t exactly my favourite band but I can still appreciate their songs. This to me is their best song they’ve ever produced, and the guitar work in this is just so damn epic it is almost worth having it higher. Bono though perhaps steals the show with his overly dramatic singing on this song, and it really can’t be said how perfect this song fits into a movie such as Batman Forever.

54. “Weird Al” Yankovic: “The Saga Begins” (1999)


Another Weird Al track and one which perhaps is even more epic when you consider the backstory behind it. In what sounds like a simple retelling of Star Wars Episode 1 to the tune of American Pie, you have to understand that Yankovic hadn’t even seen the movie when he first started writing this song and based it purely on internet rumours and leaks. Sure a very expensive pre-screening of the movie he attended all but confirmed what he had written was true, but it goes to show just how much of a genius the man is when it comes to his writing to write this song how he did. The song itself is just so damn great, and any fan of Star Wars can appreciate it for what it is. I for one remember seeing this song live during his show in Hobart in 2007 and having a row of the most nerdiest nerds you have ever seen sing this song word for word during the performance. That for me sums up the appeal of this song for nerds like myself.

53. Within Temptation: “Our Farewell” (2000)


If there is one song on this list that will make me cry above any other, it’s this one. Within Temptation is a band that perhaps you’ve never heard of, but they are definitely worth a listen to if you like a good theatrical sounding opera/rock band. There is nothing not sad about this song, and I have said it many times that this is the song I want played at my funeral. Why does this make this list if it is just a tear inducing sad song? Well not every song I like has to be a ‘pump up jum’ so to speak. It’s another song that I can connect to a certain part of my life, and while that doesn’t always bring happy memories it is still powerful and emotional enough that I put it on a list like this. Just make sure you have the tissues with you as you cry along to Sharon den Adel’s incredible voice.

52. Carly Simon: “Nobody Does It Better” (1977)


As such a James Bond fan I could’ve easily put many of the title tracks on this list. However one song by far stands out the most, and Nobody Does It Better is that song. Easily the greatest James Bond song of all time, the song perfectly sums up the character while also summing up what is one of the best Bond films in The Spy Who Loved Me. Carly Simon isn’t really a singer I know too well, however I clearly appreciate her music enough as this won’t be the last time you see her appear in my top 100 songs. A great piece of movie music.

51. Justin Timberlake: “Rock Your Body” (2002)


Justin Timberlake is an incredible artist who I respect so much. In 2002 when Justified came out, I really couldn’t stop listening to it and in particular this song. Rock Your Body is a song that you hear and just can’t help but feel good. It makes you want to dance, it makes you want to sing and it just makes you want to get up and do things. Timberlake has an ability to do that with his music, and the album that followed in FutureSex/LoveSounds is another album that would easily  make my top 10 albums. However Rock Your Body perhaps holds the place of his greatest ever song, and the perfect song to round out the first half of this list.

What do you think of this list? Do you agree with the songs included? And what songs do you think will make the top 50? Check back next week to find out the full list!

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